The giraffe which always said yes met the giraffe which always said no. They had a very interesting conversation.

Este verano mientras dibujaba jirafas me he estado acordando de esos juegos para hacernos rabiar. Los de hacerte preguntas y no poder responder ni sí ni no. Los de preguntarte si querías que te contaran el cuento de María Sarmiento y cuando respondías te decían que no era eso lo que te habían preguntado y te lo volvían a preguntar.
Estuve también pensando en lo mucho que me cuesta decir que no. Así que éste collar es para recordarme eso. De vez en cuando hay que saber decir ¡Qué no!
While drawing giraffes this summer I've been remembering those games which always teased us. When we were asked questions and we couldn’t give a yes or no for an answer. Or when you were asked if you wanted to hear the story of Humpty Dumpty and when you said yes, they said that was not what they had asked you and they repeated the question again.
I was also thinking about how much it costs me to say no. So this necklace is to remember that. Occasionally one must know how to say No!