The simplest way to explain why I was so excited about having it would have been to take a picture of the drawer of my dresser. Brimming with handkerchiefs, with motifs of flowers, birds, geometric, designed for other brands, with original prints as the ones designed by my sister ... a bottomless drawer full of things, I use and like most in this world.

Al fin tengo uno diseñado por mi, el estampado son más de doscientas florecitas distintas dibujadas primero a mano con rotuladores y después estampadas en seda. Todo el proceso ha sido una odisea y una montaña de contratiempos, pero ahora ya está aquí. Espero que os guste, a mi me hace feliz.
At last I have one designed for me. The printing is formed by more than two hundred different flowers first hand-drawn with markers and then printed on silk. The whole process has been an odyssey and all kind of mishaps have arisen, but now it is here. Hope you like it, it makes me happy.